Estimating Glacier Velocity

By Adithi R. Upadhya in R Antarctica Glacier velocity

July 30, 2019


Glacier movement is a crucial factor for assessing cryospheric climate change. Traditional methods of field surveys for studying glacier movement and velocity are often not possible owing to inaccessibility and harsh terrains. Furthermore, as it is not feasible to physically monitor and survey many glaciers around the globe, these traditional methods are limited in their global coverage. Remote sensing is an ideal tool to study such phenomena on a global scale. Optical remote sensing employs techniques such as feature tracking and pixel tracking, whereas, microwave remote sensing uses intensity tracking, speckle tracking, Interferometric SAR and Differential InSAR (DInSAR). This study focuses on estimation of glacier velocity and its seasonal variations using the image-matching technique for optical images for the glaciers in Antarctica. The tool used in this study is the COSI-Corr module embedded in ENVI which provides the velocity in both azimuth and range resolution.

Glacier velocity of Amery Ice shelf map.

Posted on:
July 30, 2019
1 minute read, 146 words
R Antarctica Glacier velocity
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